In the final installment of DJOYbeat’s series of DJ 101 equipment tutorials, Gene Lee explains how the CDJs, mixer and audio interface from our previous videos, all come together to make up the basic … [Read more...]
DJ 101 Gear Breakdown: Native Instruments Audio 8 | DJOYbeat
The third installment of our DJ 101 Gear Breakdown digs into audio interfaces, specifically the Native Instruments Audio 8. Resident hardware expert Gene Lee gives us a look at the features, uses and … [Read more...]
DJ 101 Gear Breakdown: Behringer Nox 101 Mixer | DJOYbeat
Last week Gene Lee broke down the CDJ for the newcomers out there. But that’s only one piece of a DJ’s setup. This week he takes on mixers. You know, that thing between the CDJs that lets DJs mix … [Read more...]
DJ 101 Gear Breakdown: Pioneer CDJ2000 Nexus | DJOYbeat
The first time you see a DJ setup, it might be a little intimidating. There are lots of flashing lights and knobs and switches and pads and...well, all sorts of stuff you know nothing about. That's … [Read more...]