Motion Notion at Beaverfoot Lodge & Resort

Thu Jul 24 2014 - Mon Jul 28 2014 - 11:00 - 0:00
4220 Beaverfoot Rd.
Golden, British Columbia Canada
Website: Tickets Here

About Motion Notion

Fifteen years of open-air beauty! The festival has always been something off the beaten path and a thing of discovery and amazement for all. Motion Notion Festival is an exploration of electronic music, art, nature, and the infinite in the heart of Rocky Mountains near Golden BC, Canada.

Motion Notion has always been something off the beaten path and a thing of discovery and amazement for all. Welcome to freedom and growth!

The festival values and codes of conduct are simple but strong:
1) Respect other’s space, time, and opinion.
2) Non-violent conflict resolution.
3) Care for nature.






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