A few months ago, I decided to try out the new Rekordbox 3 DJ software from Pioneer. I was leaving to DJ at Burning Man and I wanted to make a few USB sticks to play from, just in case the conditions … [Read more...]
DJOYbeat Tutorial: Getting Set Up With Ableton Live Part 4

When you’re just getting started, the complexity of modern production DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) can be daunting. DJOYbeat has a step-by-step guide to setting up Ableton Live so you can get the … [Read more...]
Life in Clubland: Halloween Costumes and the Professional DJ

Should you DJ in a Halloween Costume? It’s a more controversial topic than a lot of people would think. Many DJs think that you shouldn’t trivialize the role of the DJ by dressing up in a clown … [Read more...]
Style DNA: Breaking Down The Elements of The Four Biggest Genres

When I started listening to electronic dance music back in 1995, I really didn’t know much about the genre. In fact, I referred to all electronic dance music as “techno,” not realizing at the time … [Read more...]