When you’re just getting started, the complexity of modern production DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) can be daunting. DJOYbeat has a step-by-step guide to setting up Ableton Live so you can get the … [Read more...]
Life In Clubland: Some Advice On Being in the Industry

It isn't often you get to pick the brain of a guy who runs a successful nightclub. We asked one what they wished more people knew and understood about life in clubland. It's not advice specifically … [Read more...]
Please Listen To My Demo! – The A&R’s Job and How To Get Your Music Heard

It’s important to understand that the role of any A&R rep is to find and release most compelling music they can get their hands on. The music a label releases needs to match their vision … [Read more...]
Qbert on the Invisibl Skratch Piklz Reunion at Fool’s Gold Day Off

If improvisational jazz was applied to turntables, then Qbert would be Charlie Parker—with a hip-hop beat. For anyone who’s been fortunate enough to watch his hands work, you aren’t able to pull your … [Read more...]