​Hearn Street Car Park

7-11 Hearn St;
London, P5 EC2A 3LS United Kingdom

About ​Hearn Street Car Park

Yes, this is actually a car park or garage to be precise. Holding 400 people it’s one of the simplest venues you could find. The brick walls, low ceilings and metal doors occasionally swap cars for DJs when promoters book the venue. While it doesn’t host its own club nights, various promoters use the venue for after parties and underground nights. The bar and toilets are makeshift as it the DJ box.

The crowd is very much a grungy untroubled lot and this is not a club to get dressed up for. When the promoters get it right they create a pounding party atmosphere, with sweat dripping off the walls and bass reverberating off the metal doors. Nights are sporadic and when they don’t fill the venue it can feel a little empty, especially as the club has nothing going one except the DJ and dance floor. Sound systems are brought by the promoter so again the quality varies, but for a different London clubbing experience this is worth checking out.


More Info

Dress Code: Club Attire

Website: http://www.onemorelondon.com





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