Why You Shouldn’t Miss Skrillex Blow Out Marquee New York

Ok, so here’s the thing. As writers we’re not supposed to get involved in the story too often. It doesn’t fit right, but it happens sometimes. This time, I’m calling in one of those moments. That’s because we’re talking about Skrillex here. See, some people bag on the dude pretty hard and have been for a while now. I did early on. I couldn’t believe the dude from that band became that dude doing what he does now. But I stopped quick. It seems a handful won’t ever stop. It’s music, right?

The problem with that is, well, Skrillex is the f**king man. Seriously.

tumblr_inline_mpl49ehZt11ruk3rsAhead of the dubstep game? Check. Awesome OWSLA label filled with creative, often innovative music? Oh yeah. Notoriously known as one of the hardest working, nicest people in the industry today? Yup. The same dude set to blow Marquee New York‘s roof off on September 4? Yes, yes, a million times yes!

New York has been getting a good amount of Skrillex over the last few months. The good luck keeps coming. Before he drops in at Electric Zoo for a Jack U set with Diplo, he’s going to kick out Marquee with what is sure to be another signature set from the OWSLA mastermind.

If you want an idea of what the show would be like, don’t watch the video for his “Try It Out” remix. He and Alvin “Vastly-underrated-super-awesome-man” Risk go through what appears to be the hallway that led to Beerfest a few years back. Once they get past that, it leads into something like a young mafia generalísimo’s sad Last Supper-themed birthday party. That turns into gunfire and a simple twist that M. Night should have used in any of his last four movies. It’s crazy in the best way possible.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulHB2mNlovg]

Add on top of that the festival-like tour he just announced to some big and lesser-visited cities that runs September to the beginning of November. The tour features DJ Snake, Big Gigantic, GTA and Alesia. That’s not even half of the bill. Go see the rest.

Let’s recap:
1. Watch the awesome video to get hyped.
2. Buy your tickets soon. Tickets are moving fast. Ladies get a nice discount.
3. Go see Skrillex go H.A.M. at Marquee September 4.
4. See the tour if your face has been rebuilt from the previous face melt it received at Marquee.

See you there.

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