Art TubeOpto8 Mic Preamp with ADAT I/O

8-channel I/O expander for ADAT lightpipe equipped audio interfaces, direct-to-disc recorder, or DAW.

The ART TubeOpto8 is a cost-effective 8-channel input/output expander for any ADAT lightpipe-equipped audio interface, hard disk recorder, or DAW. Eight high-quality, second-generation, discrete, Class A microphone preamps are packaged in a single rack space with 8-channel, 24-bit digital I/O.

Every input on the ART TubeOpto8 audio interface offers full control of the signal path with pad, phase, and low-frequency roll-off switches. Input gain and variable output level control of each channel allows up to 70dB of clean gain (up to 64dB input gain) with incredible sonic transparency, or for the tube stage to be dialed in for warming effects and soft clipping. Each channel on the ART audio interface has wide-range LED meters to monitor the preamp output levels while clip indicators monitor mic preamp peak levels.

ADAT lightpipe I/O handles eight channels of 24-bit audio input and output at either 44.1 or 48kHz sample rates. Wordclock in and thru-puts allow multiple ART TubeOpto8’s to be synced in complex system configurations.

Price: $$559.00

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